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Innovative Companies

Reduce the risk associated with your innovation project


Innovation is risky! We
help you reduce this risk by:

Understanding the value chain of your industry

Understanding the value chain of your industry

Identify the different actors, their synergy and find your best position.

Improving your competitive advantage

Improving your competitive advantage

Identify the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and plan your strategy to take advantage of them.

Assessing your market potential

Assessing your market potential

Calculate the possible market options and validate your project.

Identifying the key actors in your network

Identifying the key actors in your network

Attract new customers and increase your market share.

Notre expertise

Secteurs d'impact


Environnement, Bioénergie et bioproduits, Déchets et recyclage, Efficacité énergétique, Transport, etc


Environnement, Bioénergie et bioproduits, Déchets et recyclage, Efficacité énergétique, Transport, etc


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.

TI - IA (intelligence artificielle)

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting.

Your entire ecosystem at your fingertips

Our platform allows you, through personalized dashboards, to follow the important activities of your organization.

How many users for my solution? Is my solution aligned with their needs? Do they have access to alternative solutions? How?

Who else proposes a solution to the problem I tackle? Is there an opportunity to collaborate with them and move forward together?

Who could provide me the materials/services to produce my solutions? Is there something at stake or opportunities to achieve with them?

Facilitators and experts (accelerators, economic development agencies, experts and others.)

And much more to innovate faster!

Nous savons où chercher et comment voir dans le noir !

Jetez un regard structuré sur votre marché pour faciliter vos réflexions stratégiques. À l'aide de cette démarche rigoureuse, vous prendrez des décisions d'affaires éclairées, à moindres coûts.

How well do you know your innovation ecosystem?

Talk to someone on our team to build, follow and understand your ecosystem and use it to innovate.


An essential

Understand your position in the value chain of your industry.

Calculate the potential market in the different segments.

Assess your competitive positioning and competitive advantages.

trust us

Next steps

How about a proof
of concept?

Choose a date

Choose the date that suits you best.

Please fill out the form

Fill in the information to help us get to know you better and, if you wish, tell us about your challenges.

Online demo

We introduce you to our platform and discuss your needs.
