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Kognitions is a strategic business intelligence firm specializing in innovation (innovation intelligence). We equip companies at every stage of their growth through innovation.
Air, environment and sanitation, Renewable/emission-free energy supply, Biofuels and Bioenergy. Waste and recycling, Water and Wastewater, Energetic efficiency, Materials, manufacturing and industry, Smart Network, energy storage, Transportation, etc.
Precision agriculture, forestry, biodiversity, etc.
Pacemakers, artificial heart valves, hip implants, synthetic skin, scalpels, medical laboratory diagnostic instruments and diagnostic kits. Software, sold alone or used as part of a device.
Precision therapies, vaccines, orphan products, subsequent biologics (SEBs), etc.
Content creators, learning games, interactive software, content aggregation and distribution platform, digital equipment dedicated to educational activities (interactive whiteboards, virtual reality headsets), management support tools for pedagogues and educational institutions.
We help bring innovative solutions to life, one ecosystem at a time!
Located in 6 countries, 10 rare pearls working together to help you with your innovation challenges.
“To overcome today's challenges in health, environment and education, we have no choice but to increase our ability to innovate together and in a sustainable way.”
“Because the journey from discovery to innovation is full of obstacles...”
Talk to someone on our team to build, follow and understand your ecosystem and use it to innovate.
It's really nice to have a tool, which I call three-dimensional, that allows us to think and organize our ideas. There are too many things to think about, so we are all on the same page.
I never thought they would be able to find that information, it's magic!
I had started this project with various tools like Access, Excel MsProject etc. What I saw this morning allowed me to do more than just work on assembling a dashboard.
It was a revelation for me (Kognitions) it gave me a totally different perspective on the potential of my market. While unnecessarily searching for information on existing and future clientes of the total market, [one] refocused me on my niche and its potential.
Kognitions allows entrepreneurs to have strategic information that enables them to make better market decisions, related to the competition, etc. and all this information drives them to be better not only locally but also internationally.
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